A photo taken recently on holiday in Spain, at one of my favourite restaurants.
I have for some years been enjoying holidays in the Marbella area of Spain. We stay at a pleasant apartment in Miraflores, which overlooks the sea and a downsweep of trees, white villas and apartments, swimming pools and tennis courts. There is always something to watch from the balcony, whether the children learning to play tennis or ships at sea or merely the sun dancing like a shower of diamonds on the sea. The sky is nearly always blue with the occasional fluffy white cloud drifting by. This time we got more cloud and some wind, but the warmth is delightful after the English winter.
We have two favourite restuarants; one is in Fuengirola and called Portofino. We've been going there so many years that the owner and his waiters are like friends, and the proprieter is a very amusing man who makes lots of jokes. His wife is the cook and the food is fantastic.
The other restaurant is in Marbella and is called Da Bruno. This is a beautiful and impressive place, smart but relaxed and clean. Some of the food served here is out of this world. I sampled Lobster linguinni this time and it was delicious, but there are many lovely dishes here.(may not have spelled linguinni right).
The puddings here are simply delicious. I particularly enjoy the flambe dishes they cook at the table - Crepes Suzette and flambed fruit - wonderful. It really adds to the holiday to visit a restaurant like this one and enjoy special food.
When in Spain I love to swim in one of the pools close by or walk by the sea. I also love to shop, particularly for fancy shoes and I have several pairs of lovely sandals bought from a smart shop in Marbella or Fuengerola. When we first went out, we visited a lot of different towns and resorts to see the bullrings and various views but these days we spend most of our time either in Marbella or at Miraflores, where we relax in the sun. Although I invariably do some work. I never go anywhere without my computer and I work on my books for an hour or so in the morning or perhaps in the evening for a short time.
Now this is what I call a sandcastle - seen on the beach just across the road from Da Bruno in Marbella. There is often a clever sand sculpture to be seen but I think this is terrific.
The artist at work on my flambe fruit and my husband's Crepe Suzettes!
These are the things that make wonderful memories for years to come. I took the pictures on my ipad, which I love. I didn't know what I was missing before I had it, but I enjoy it so much - the pictures, the iplayer, the music and the internet all in one clever pad!
Love to all my readers.
New saga coming from Rosie Clarke and Ebury in 1914!